Floyd County Electoral Board Meeting 11 April 2024

Floyd County Electoral Board Meeting 11 April 2024
Attending: Paul Kitchen, Chairman
Becky Howell, Vice Chairman
Bob Smith, Secretary
Sarah Campbell, Officer of Election
Amy Ingram, General Registrar
Debbie Johnson, Speaker
Call to Order: 1:06 pm
On Motion: Review and Adoption of Minutes
for Meeting March 14, D. Johnson found
a missing “and”, noted by Secretary, and on
Motion by B. Howell adopted unanimously
as amended

Public Comment: Debbie Johnson addressed the Board with the question if Poll Pad reader was able to detect a non-eligible
voter based on the drivers license scan. She inquired about cleaning up the voter list by doing follow-up contact with mail-in
voters to confirm that they were actually received, and their disposition, returned by mail, lost, destroyed/thrown away, etc.
Also brought up was the idea of conducting a Residential Address Verification Audit for mailed ballots. She submitted a report
on Voting statistics from across the commonwealth, which is now on file.
G. R. Report: General Registrar A, Ingram commented on the 2021 Re-districting and cleanup of the voter list, also described
current procedures to keep current on voter status, Active, Inactive and Purge as dictated by the rules of the State Board.
On Motion – Discussion, Review and Approve FY 24/25 Budget: Discussed VEBA Meetings, and expenses related to Election
Management and Training. Board will finalize at next Meeting.
On Motion – Set Date and venue for L&A Testing: Tentative date was set for April 23rd pending further developments. Notice of
Meeting will need to be posted by the 16th.
Status Report, Network Separation: D. Fransisco sent a report indicating that the process is continuing at a good pace.
Officers of Election – We are having shortfalls in our recruiting for Election Officers, and Chairman Kitchen has researched the
O.of E. payscales for neighboring localities and found that we are below most. The Board discussed potential incentives for
increasing our Participation rates other than a pay raise, including a Community Outreach program, setting up a Tent for Voter
Registration and Pollworker recruitment. On Motion and unanimous consent, the Board did decide to look into recruiting two
high school Government Class students, over 18 and registered voters, to participate as Officers of Election for a 11:00 am to
closeout shift, at pro-rated pay. B. Howell and S. Campbell will also work to establish a presence at the upcoming “Small-Town
Summer events, and contact the county Ministerial Association about attending their events as well.

On Motion – Discuss Preparation for June Primary: Rolling Equipment cages to be used
On Motion – Discussion and Action on Equipment Security: DHS to survey Polling Places and review our Security posture
scheduled for the morning of May 9th
Set Next Meeting Date: May 9th, 1:00 No further business, Motion to Adjourn: Adopted by Unanimous consent
Calendar for next quarter:
11 April Next Regular Meeting – Notice 3 April
TBD L&A for upcoming Primary
3 May Early Voting Start
1 June Pollworker Training
11 June First Pre-Processing Session – Notice 3 June
13 June Regular EB Meeting – Notice 6 June
15 June Second Pre-Processing Session
17 June Equipment Distribution
17 June Chief Officers/Pollpad Officers Meetings
18 June Primary Election Day
20 June Canvass/Provisional Meeting – Notice 12 June
24 June Provisional Meeting/Canvass – Notice 17 June
25 June Submit Abstracts
11 July Regular Meeting – Notice 3 July
18 July ELECT Training, EB and G.R. Richmond
24 July Legislative Update Online Webinar EB and G.R.
22 Aug. Southern District Meeting, Bedford, Va. 10 – 2

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